Location and Schedule

Nourishing and nurturing our future through a shared teaching garden connecting people to food, heritage and community.

Located at 871 N. Cornell St. (1525 W.) Salt Lake City, Utah, 84116

Open Saturday mornings (Spring & Summer: 8 to 10; Fall 9-11) and Wednesday evenings (April-October 6 to dusk)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Coming Soon!

Have you noticed a slight change in the weather? The slant of the sunlight through my kitchen window and the shrinking of glaciers in my yard hints that winter is in retreat. I don't mind the cozy evenings, wearing wool, and reading several books at once. But I am itching to reclaim a patch of soil, warm sunshine, and seed packets filled with optimism.

Well, with Spring just around the corner, look for two important RPCG announcements. First is our logo contest: we need you to choose your favorite from two finalists, starting February 25th. Second is participant applications, which open up March 1st. While we will continue to be a collective garden and to welcome volunteers, there will be changes to promote community ownership of this incredible endeavor.

Pictured top: Spinach Brownie (like quiche). Above: People's Market Seed Swap at Sorensen Unity Center