After nearly 350 people showed up for our Easter Hop (we planned on 100) we learned some lessons for next year. Thank you to those who stuck around, entered the raffles (we will get your prizes to you this week) and enjoyed our booths. In the Kid's Corner, featured below, we read garden-themed story books and then planted in our Easter bunny garden. The radishes are growing now!
Please email us at if you would like to volunteer occasionally, bring a volunteer group or sign up for a membership. Being a member is like signing up for a team sport--your payment of $25 covers some basic fees (water, etc.) and you practice every week. Game days are harvest days and trophies are awarded in the fall. What you get out of it is what you put in. And at a community garden those benefits are both abstract--uplift, friendship, connection--and tangible--bigger muscles, healthy food, and community events.
We are still planting and could use your help! We'll see you at the NW Rec Health Fair this Saturday and the Community Festival May 18th. Our next community garden event is on Wednesday July 24th: Pioneers Day.