A couple months ago, my second son lost our spare house key. We searched in the area where he heard it drop, but no luck. Then recently my third son pulled it out of a bag of compost while we were gardening at our school garden. Of course I couldn't pass up the symbolism. The key to our home was hidden in a bag of old life that had been turned into nutrients for new life. And we only found the key because we chose to add those nutrients to the garden together. I just heard today of a study saying that vegetables not only help your physical health, but your emotional health. To that finding I add my own observation: tilling, planting, watering, weeding, harvesting, cooking and eating our food together builds a foundation for happiness. The key? Using our past--the good and bad--to nourish a healthy today.
Purple beans from the Children's Garden! Can you spot the hummingbird in our Texas Hummingbird Sage?
A variety of peppers, squash and tomatoes. We are also harvesting corn, melons, cucumbers, herbs, eggplant and more.