Location and Schedule

Nourishing and nurturing our future through a shared teaching garden connecting people to food, heritage and community.

Located at 871 N. Cornell St. (1525 W.) Salt Lake City, Utah, 84116

Open Saturday mornings (Spring & Summer: 8 to 10; Fall 9-11) and Wednesday evenings (April-October 6 to dusk)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Circle of Service

Have you ever experienced "coming full circle?" Yesterday was one of those moments for me. On Saturday, September 8th, 2001 I volunteered at Wasatch Community Garden's Tomato Sandwich Party. How did I learn about it? A professor who later became my boss and friend at the University of Utah suggested it because we had been studying community gardens as part of a course in environmental psychology. A component of our grade was service learning. In 2 hours I learned to love pesto and tomatoes, know the difference between homegrown and Health Food store tomatoes, and I also saw what community gardening could do for struggling youth, neighborhoods and families. Three days later much of the world would watch helplessly at the destruction by a few to an international community. It doesn't feel like coincidence that eleven years later, on Saturday September 8th I stood in awe as 50 students from the University of Utah's service learning program descended cheerfully onto our community garden, a member of Wasatch's network. They accomplished in 2 hours what would have taken our regular crew 6 weeks to do. They weeded, harvested, hauled leaves (prep for next year's garden), and harvested alongside 17 members of Rose Park. I stood and watched, not helplessly, but humbled by what a few could do for my community.

We still have tomatoes, squash, beets, cucumbers, beans, corn, egg plant, chiles and onions. Our Fall Fest is Saturday September 22nd at the garden, 5-7pm. Bring a garden potluck to share and if you can, give a little "green" to help us grow.


  1. wow this is just incredible! I am so thrilled that you got so this wonderful outpouring of help from these great kids who were willing and able to work hard. Truly, many hands make light work. How wonderful to see such an impressive accomplishment in such a short amount of time! I'm so proud of you and so happy for the help you have received in making this years Community garden a great success. (I must admit that now I'm craving a tomato-pesto sandwich!)

  2. What a powerful way to frame your memory of 9/11. Thanks for sharing!
