Location and Schedule

Nourishing and nurturing our future through a shared teaching garden connecting people to food, heritage and community.

Located at 871 N. Cornell St. (1525 W.) Salt Lake City, Utah, 84116

Open Saturday mornings (Spring & Summer: 8 to 10; Fall 9-11) and Wednesday evenings (April-October 6 to dusk)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pioneer Proud

Whether or not you have "Pioneer Heritage," and whether or not you know much about your ancestors, you can still connect to the past at our annual Pioneer Party. This "Friends of the Garden" event featured homemade pies, pioneering pullets, hand-cranked ice cream, hand-churned butter, hand-crafted spin tops, hand-made clothespin dolls, homemade sourdough bread, fiddle tunes from an 11-year old gardener, Pioneer games, Dutch oven stew with garden fresh veggies and herbs, true Pioneer stories, and planting a patch of Pioneer corn (to mark the first crop planted by Mormon Pioneers in late July of 1847). Are you noticing a theme? Pioneers (among many other groups past and present) had to live by the mantra "will work to eat." Not only that, they worked tirelessly by their own physical efforts to provide for hearth and home. My hard work is a hobby; their hard work was life. In small ways, though, I try to show my Pioneer spirit through this pastime of mine.
 We appreciate our local Smiths grocery store for supplying watermelons and for all of our friends and garden members who supported this event. Although a cameraman from the local news was not on the menu, I am very pleased to see that this event is steadily growing into an annual tradition for our community.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful event!! I wish we could be there for it this time! (those pies and veggies look so delicious, and such darling kids dressed up so cute too.) :o)
